Saturday, May 24, 2008

Meatless Mondays: Reducing your Carbon Footprint

I remember the first time I made a connection between meat and the environment: I read in Carl Sagan's Billions and Billions how the methane emitted from cow farts contributes massively to greenhouse gases.
Since then I've tried to consume less meat, in an effort to lower my personal impact on climate change.
Bill Chameides post this weekend for the Huffington Post adds yet another compelling reason to reduce your meat consumption: Water use. When you see the numbers added up in this way, who the hell would want to eat another burger?
Pass it on, reducing your consumption by one day a week isnt that hard, right? So let's all give it a try. In case you aren't the altruistic type, remember its also much healthier for you, and easier to digest too!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Got Rice?

My question is, similar to the gas crisis, aren't "speculators" driving up the costs quicker than necessary by anticipating a shortage?
As always, classy writing (and timely) by the KW Record...
More from CBC news

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Edamame mmm-mmm

I tried a new brand of edamame that I found this weekend at T&T, after Argie and I had a long debate in the freezer aisle about the merits of buying shelled versus unshelled, although in the end it turned out we were talking about the same thing, just saying it differently (for the record HE was wrong...ahem...)
I bought Wel-Pac shelled edamame in the one kilo bag. Result: delicious! I'm including a pic of edamame I have eaten in the past, because, well we went through these ones so fast, and I was on the phone with my mum at the time, and plum forgot to take a pic :)